Tuesday 20 July 2010

Muestras sorprendentes de la Cultura Mochica

Las Huacas del Sol y la Luna son dos templos, uno administrativo y otro religioso, de un poblado Mochica al sur de Trujillo. Al rededor de los dos templos existia una ciudadela extensa y todo se encontraba protegido por una muralla. El conjunto es sorprendente y muy rico en sus manifestaciones constructivas e iconográficas.

The Temples of the Sun and Moon are two temples, one administrative and one religious, of the Mochica Culture, south-east of Trujillo. Around these were an extensive city and all was surrounded by a wall. The site is surprising and very rich in its construction and iconography.

La Huaca de la Luna, era el templo para rendir culto al Dios Ayapec una deidad representada en las fachadas de los diferentes niveles del mismo.

The Temple of the Moon was dedicated to the god Ayapec, a deity represented in the facades of various levels of the structure.

Para claridad de todos, estas pirámides truncadas no son construcciones compactas, son edificaciones por niveles. En la Huaca de la luna se reconocen 5 niveles, que se creen fueron construidos más o menos cada 100 años. El nivel superior, cubría completamente el nivel anterior incluyendo su fachada, es así como hoy es posible apreciar las fachada del quinto nivel en sus 6 fases, la ilustración describe como se veían las mismas.

For clarity, these pyramids are not single structures, rather they are built level by level. In the Temple of the Moon there are 5 levels, which are thought to have been built each upon the previous level every 100 years or so. The top level covers the previous levels completely, such that there are 6 facades to be appreciated, as described in the diagram.

Fue muy sorprendente para nosotros conocer estas estructuras, adicionalmente el Museo es rico en cerámica.

These structures were very surprising to us; in addition the Museum was rich in ceramics, and well worth the visit.


Alan & Marce


  1. That's really fascinating. I wonder how they kept track of when the next level should be added... was it connected to the lunar calendar in any way? Very interesting...

  2. Qué maravillosa la ruta desde Chachapoyas hasta aquí. Debe sentirse increíble cruzar esas alturas y luego descender! Cómo los trató la altura? Muchos besos.

  3. There was no information on the timing of new levels; no doubt further research on the net would offer some hypotheses.

    On the altitude, perhaps because each climb is over a period of at least half an hour the change is gradual and so we have not experienced reactions. Nevertheless, we have been aware of the risk of oxygen deprivation, and look out for signs. No problems so far.
